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The Crusades are spiritual warfare, not physical warfare - ankur narula ministry

 The Crusades are spiritual warfare, not physical warfare

The Crusades are spiritual warfare, not physical warfare

If you think God will fight for this world, you are wrong. God himself said, "My kingdom is not of this world, my kingdom is elsewhere. Don't try to make me a small god, I am too big and beyond your imagination." The problem is, when illiteracy and ignorance get together, it sounds like Christians want to fight, Christians want to crusade.

There is nothing wrong with the word crusade. A crusade is a determined effort or attempt to bring about a change or stop something. It is also mentioned in the Bible. For example, Ephesians 6:10-19 says, "Therefore be strong in the Lord and in his power. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities." And against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against the spiritual evil powers of the heavens."

If you google the word crusade, you will find "A long and determined attempt to achieve change or stop something because of your strong belief". What is it called in Hindi? Yes, it can be called effort. Repeatedly trying to do something, trying to achieve something because of your conviction.

Many times you will see a channel saying, "There will be a war between India and Pakistan next Sunday," but actually it is referring to a cricket match. War does not mean war with cannonballs or nuclear bombs, but fighting in cricket. Likewise, the war mentioned in the Bible is also spiritual.

If this fight were physical, Jesus Christ would have told us to fight physically. But the Bible says, "Our war is not against flesh and blood." So what's the problem? The word of God is spoken of as a weapon of war. The Bible tells us to take the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, and the shield of faith.

We do not need physical weapons in this war, because it is not a physical war, but a spiritual war. For those who repeatedly face divorce or poverty, the problem is spiritual. No matter how educated or intelligent we are when these curses are on our family, our family will not be delivered until we obey God's Word.

The Bible says, "Your war is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens." Try to win this spiritual battle through prayer.

Now, those who want to fight against alcohol, drugs or any other sin, must put on the full armor of God. In this battle we need spiritual preparation.

So we must understand that our battle with Satan is not physical, but spiritual. We need prayer and spiritual preparation to win this battle.

This is why the Bible says, "Your war is not against flesh and blood," because Jesus Christ said, "Your war is not against the flesh, but against the spirit."

Hallelujah! So we need to understand that we have to fight the spiritual battle to stay connected with God and move forward by obeying His words. God bless you.


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