A Secret given by the Servant of the Lord || Sermon || Ankur Narula Ministries

 A Secret given by the Servant of the Lord || Sermon || Ankur Narula Ministries (ENGLISH )

A Secret given by the Servant of the Lord || Sermon || Ankur Narula Ministries

If you want to succeed in Christianity, you have to listen to the voice of God and focus on whether it is the voice of God or the voice of Satan or the voice of man and if you do not recognize this, you will miss the point for which God has called you, you will not miss salvation, you are entitled to heaven but God has called you to be a light, to be a leader, to be a blessing, he has called you with a major calling, you will miss it. Raise your hands and say, God, today I will listen to your word and understand it and bear fruits. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we should know that the voice that I am hearing, the opinion that I am taking, the advice that I am taking, is it God giving or Satan giving? Jesus said, Peter, I will be killed, beaten, crucified and killed and Peter will be taken aside and said, beware if you say this again, you do not know how much we love you, this will never happen to you, beware God. When he talked about dying again, what did Jesus Christ say? Wow, you love me so much. He said this. What did he say? What did he say? What did the devil say? Just five minutes ago, Jesus was telling Peter that I will build a big church on you. You are a stone. You are this. You are that. God has revealed big secrets to you. Now you will climb the gram tree and come back. And now the other person is saying, you are the devil because Jesus knew from whom the voice that came out of Peter came. It came from the devil because the devil stops you too from taking up your cross. Jesus said, if you want to be my disciple, then what do you have to do every day? You have to die every day, Sunday, Sunday, Thursday. He said, do you think that those people who have reached a certain level in their souls, who have touched the heights, who do not know what they have done, who have paid bribes, who do not know what deep secrets they have? Do you think that they do not know what deep secrets they have? I am telling you the truth. There is no deep secret, they have learnt to die everyday and to remain faithful to God in small matters, this is their secret, small matter, you have come, I have come, just Nakodar Chowk and where are you now, washing your face at home, what is this small lie for you, what is small for God, small theft, small adultery, whoever has reached any level, has reached the peak of success, they do not have any big or deep secret except that they remain faithful to God in small matters and die everyday, what is dying everyday, today I feel like doing something else but now it is prayer time, I have gone to prayer, today is fasting day and your favourite dish has become ready in the kitchen, if you do not eat, then what is the point dying everyday, I have forgiven, I have let go, I have cooled down my anger, I have to die everyday, whoever opposed you, ate your own food and shook it in the plate, what is to be done to him also, to forgive means to die and Jesus said when you die, when you die within yourself, my life will die for you I work in the name of Jesus, then what will you do?

When you say in the name of Jesus, the evil will hear me and run. If you say run here, it will run here. If you say here, it will run here. When you say Jesus, get out, it will say and sit like this.

The devil does not want you to be faithful in small things. If you want to succeed, you will have to connect with the word. You will have to connect with the spirit. People say that Jinni Malik wrote a pogdi. Yes, what does the word say? Have you ever heard this? What does the word say? What did Jesus say? What does the one who created you say? What does it say about your age? Come on, tell me what is written in the word? How many believe in what Jesus has written? Raise your hands. Look, half the church should be on Facebook many times. When I live, Proverbs three, one to eight, are written. O my son, do not forget my teachings. Keep my commandments in your heart. By doing this, your age will increase and you will be more efficient. What did Jesus say? O my son, keep my teachings and my commandments. Where in your heart and mind, keep your heart attached to the words of God, when your heart is attached to the words of God, you will not break them, I am talking about many men of the world, there are many husbands who did not have an affair with any other woman after marriage because their wife loved them very much and they could not break their wife's heart, just for this reason, when love for the words of God is born in your heart, what did he write that you should keep my commandments and be faithful to me, do not become adulterous, do not forget my teachings, then what will happen, your age will increase, you can increase your age and in whose hands is your age, now tell me in whose hands is your age, he is saying straight, if you want to live long, respect your mother and father, and there is no other word in the Hebrew language for mother-in-law and father-in-law, they are also called father and mother, a separate terminology has not been created for them, if you treat your father-in-law and father-in-law with disrespect, you are a small man. I will live soon I will start getting sick written in the verse when we don't know what God says Mummy, today come to the bathroom did you get hurt? If you get hurt then let me see how you are. What does the verse say when you learn the verse in the church that what should you do with your mother and father? There should be someone in front of whom you can bow so that the world can bow in front of you and you can bend your neck. So you get scattered and beaten by the world and then the world teaches you. The one who has been beaten by his father has taught the world. The one who has not been beaten by his father, the world has taught him. Every person is taught to eat. Hallelujah. When we will know the opinion of Jesus Christ, what is his opinion, what is his voice on my current problem, for my business, for my life, for my home, for my children, the problem will be solved that day. You will be blessed, but where will we get that from? By connecting with the deep teaching of the Word, by connecting with the Bible, if you commit 10 types of sins and hold on to the Bible, then the Bible will not talk to you, it talks to you, it talked to me. In 2004, when I was struggling and was not able to get healing in my faith, the Word of God spoke to me. O my dear brothers, tie yourself up, stay strong because you know that the hard work done in Christ does not go in vain. The Word of God was talking to me that you have to work hard. If you prayed for 20 minutes two or three times, you would not get such a great healing. Start working hard on a big plan in life. Then it went from two and a half hours to three hours to eight hours. Then God answered it. The Word speaks. If you are also thirsty to learn the Word, to understand God's opinion, to get His knowledge. Hallelujah. Look what the Word says. It says, do not forget my teachings. Keep my commandments in your heart. By doing this, what will be your lifespan and you will be more efficient. The ease of your life will be more. You will be able to work comfortably. You will be able to do business comfortably. You will be able to earn money easily. You will be able to run the ministry comfortably. If we are sitting here today, this church is going to cross 100 branches and you think that it will be a big headache. 100 churches will be a headache. I am telling you that today, the headache of this single church four years ago is less than half of that. The region of 100 churches is that every year you grow in grace. Every year you grow in the knowledge of the Word. Every year God blesses you. Your relationship with God becomes stronger. You keep learning more. The more you learn, the more you become happy. The more you learn to walk in goodness. You get more grace. Every task becomes easier. The promise is fulfilled. You will be more efficient. You will live your life more efficiently. When you learn the promise, you will start obeying the promise. You will start ignoring your body. You will start learning the things of the soul. So how important is it to go to the right fellowship and learn the promises exactly the way God wants to teach you. Look, if your age is already written that brother, he has to live for 70 years. So tell me that he has to live only for 70 years. Then there is no point. God said that your age will increase through me. What is written in Psalm 91, its last verse, I will satisfy you with long life. And I will show you the vision of my salvation. The Hindi translation is not correct. I will show you my salvation, that I will show you my salvation, which means God's challenge. When a man is saying who am I, a big back wala, then God is challenging me, I will show you my salvation, your children, your finances, your ministry, your health, your life, everything, I will show you my salvation, I am a living God, not dead, I will show you, I will show you, whoever sits in the covered place of the Almighty will find a place in the shadow of the Almighty, his covered place means if I have got the chair of a believer, I cannot leave that chair, for a beautiful woman, for a cup of wine, for two, four, five, ten lakhs, how can I leave that chair of a believer for one sin, then God said, whoever sits in his covered place will find his protection, second, no, amen, we should know what is God's thinking, what does God say about my life, my age, my children, my family, my finances, Hallelujah, then your age is not decided, your God has given you a choice, you want to live long, you want to live a little, okay Do you want to live a bad life? That is your choice. It is written in three verses that kindness and truth should not be separated from you. Make them a necklace around your neck and write them on the tablets of your heart. Then you will receive grace from God and man. You will be very wise. Do not rely on your own understanding. But trust in Jehovah with all your heart. Do everything remembering him. He will make a straight path for you. Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear Jehovah and stay away from evil. By doing this, your body will be healthy and your bones will be strong. If you read in Hebrew language, it is written that the grease of your bones will never end. Even if you are 70, your body will be healthy. Because as soon as you enter 60, you will start speaking. I have not become old, who will know my pain? Holi will come to me because you have seen where in that fallen world which is run by the flesh and the devil. The day you will break that world, Leaving aside, you will go inside the Bible and see your photo and God says, when you grow old, your bones will be strong, your body will be healthy and strong. Now when an old man comes to know this promise, what should he do? He should claim this promise, he should start walking according to the Bible, he should start praying, he should start fasting, he should start following the promise, he should start fulfilling the Biblical standards. He says, I will not make your youth like an eagle. 

I will not tell you that there comes a time in the life of the eagle also when it starts getting old, after that God renews it again, its wings and feathers are new, Hallelujah. So what matters is how well you understand the Word and how you take it in your life because for most people the Bible is a religious book which they will read, for what, you have to read for half an hour or two and a half hours, you are going in a different direction, you have to open the Bible to know and understand yourself and to understand God, the more you understand God, the more you will understand about yourself, how God has made you and how He wants to see you. When your heart was made, it was actually made to function for thousands of years, do you know how old Adam was, 900 years or so, just 900 years was the oldest, probably 969 years, this was when he fell, imagine with grace that after the fall, there were a thousand years when he sinned. Imagine if he had not sinned, these kidneys, this heart, this liver were made to work for thousands of years. Imagine what God's technology was. There are pipes in your bathroom from where all the urine comes out. If you open that pipe after 10 years, it completely melts. You cannot find the pipe because your urine contains acid. That acid goes and melts the pipe, melts iron, melts plastic as well. It takes thousands of years to melt in the ground. And where does it come out from? From inside you, from inside the bathroom, from inside you, the washroom. Urine comes out from inside you, but it never hurts your insides. What kind of technology did God make you? Imagine, and nothing happens to you. You even sit in the bathroom, hold your breath for how long, two, three hours. The amount of acid that is inside you can tear apart your whole body, but nothing happens to you. Your heart used to work for a thousand years. When you did not improve, when the person did not improve, God said, I do not want to see you in this form for long. It is not that everyone will go to hell. Your age will be 120. Moses became 120 when the Bible says that his physical structure was not weak and Moses' eyes could see perfectly. You are wonderfully fearfully made. You are a wonderful creation of God. Whether you are old or young, whoever you are, when you start reading the Bible and start understanding, you will start winning in your life. Whether it is a financial issue, physical issue, marital issue, service, any part of it that you have been called to. Exactly if you understand what is the opinion of the Lord, what does God think, what is the devil, and what is the voice of the body, how important it is to spend time with the Bible every day. How much harm you are doing to yourself by not reading the Bible. When I am in my prayer room and if I have not read the Bible, I do not feel complete during prayer. The deep secrets that God has given me till date, I read the Bible for myself just to understand God in my alone time with God. Then God told me that I don't hold the Bible to preach, that I have to give this sermon, so I should hold the Bible, learn, understand and then preach because when the Holy Spirit teaches you, it opens your eyes, and just imagine how big a treasure you are missing when you don't give time to the Bible everyday, how many people don't have a big Bible, don't have a complete Bible, raise your hands, those who don't have a big Bible, take it, okay, otherwise today I distribute the ones I have for free, you know, try to take it, otherwise I will give it to you next Sunday, Hallelujah. So why is the Bible necessary because through this you will know what your friend said, what did he say, is it written in the word of the Lord, when you learn what is written in the word of God, you will learn to win, you will live more efficiently, your age will increase and he will make straight paths for you, he said that he will make straight paths for you, do everything by remembering him, remembering him and doing everything, today the problem of people is that they are 40, they are 50. You have done it, still you have not found a straight path, still you are looking for a setting, if you are still looking for a setting at the age of 30, then Bhai sahab please get your setting done, cry in front of God, sit, plead and get your setting done, are you understanding what I am saying or not, he said to do all the work by remembering him, he will find a straight path for you, he will tell you what to do in your life, what to do in marriage, what to do in your finances, he will find a straight path for you, when you do all the work by remembering him, remembering him means remembering the promise, the promise should be in the mind, it should be in the heart, whether it is written in the promise or not, whether I should go here or not, now I should pray, I can do this work or not, you do not want to upset the world, you want to celebrate all their festivals and also want to please Jesus, this is not possible, one person will be happy, either you do it to them or you do it to Jesus, and Jesus has that life in his hands which no rich man in the world can give you, that life is his. He is thinking for you, for your children, for your generation. He is not thinking for you alone. So forget the teachings that you have learned. Unlearn them before you come to Christ. Throw them away and renew your mind. Romans says to renew your mind and your spirit. As if to say,

As if the spirit did not come after your baptism, now you have to transform your mind, you have to teach it to work according to the word, who will be benefited in it? You have a treasure of trillions of rupees, open the Bible in your hand, read it, understand it, God will talk to you, your mind will be shaken, the day he will talk to you, you are God, where was I stuck, where did you want to take me, when we spend time with him everyday, we will go to prayer, we will go to fasting, we will remain faithful to a small thing, what things will we say to our neighbor, small things, small things, if you remain faithful to him, with God, he will give you big things, he will give you a big mess, he will give you big service, he will give you big work, he will give you big finance, amen, we should have a church, hallelujah, we should not become the reason for someone's fall, we have to become the reason for someone's progress, many times we hear testimonies that I was waiting for 35 years for a baby, I was waiting for 22 years, one day you prayed, you specially called me forward, what was that, God told me that day in a prophetic way The Word gave that today they have to be called forward and special prayers have to be offered for them and till now the testimonies have come about those things, do you hear that I got prayer shawls from Israel, people brought prayer shawls for me and I took that shawl to my prayer room and God said that I had to deal with everyone in the meeting with this prayer shawl and it is lying in my room. Now what will happen when God calls you, your healing is also hidden in it, your deliverance is also hidden and when a pastor works without a voice, he will struggle in his life, struggle in ministry, struggle in finance, struggle in everything, he feels a struggle and many of you have not been called to do individual service, you have not been called to do separate service but they have a hobby, you have a hobby, it does not mean that God has approved it, you should know the fact before listening to what work the Lord has to take from you, before understanding it, first your prayer life, your meditation, spending time with God, staying away from the world, you You can live in the same world, do the same job, but you can stop doing the same kind of work, thinking, joking, hee-hu-hu because God has given you a greater responsibility, a greater calling, to do a bigger work, to save people, to live a higher life, those joking, hee-hu-hu, keep doing that, look where you are sitting, you are sitting there, do you also want to sit there for 10 years, no, you are going to the next level, in the mighty name of Jesus, I said you are going to the next level, in today's meeting your speech will open up and you will see the path, new people will enter your life, you will meet them in Divine Help, in the name of Jesus Christ, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, what was it I had nothing but spending time with the word of God everyday, this had become my life, everyday, everyday, everyday, imagine my relatives stopped inviting me for 20 years, they did not know that I had to work from morning to evening, when I was in this church Even then I had 7000 people, I used to do my own business of tiles, today there are 200 people, Lord, I have started working very hard, Hallelujah, 7000 people and still I was working, even though it was my own business, it was my family business and when I felt that now too many people have increased, I have to give time and I cannot continue that business, if there is any lack in my holy faith, then I changed the business, even today I earn from my business, the office of the church does not come to me, if you are going after depositing money, then you are going for the work of God, I do not even see you in your office, I only get a message from the bank, those relatives came to search, they did not find anything and went to the bank, you deposited money, 25, 50, 100 people will count it, the in-house CA, the outside CA, the internal CA, all will check it, whatever has to be taken should go to the bank, after that, if you have to take it by cheque, there are teams sitting on it too You keep looking for a famous person [laughs]

very thing is gone brother, if I wanted to earn money I would not be here, I would be in the USA. Even today if I want to earn money I can go to the USA. I can earn so much from this work that I can buy a plane in a year. If I want to earn money I will go here. I don't need money here. If I want to earn money the world is open for me. You have to understand what God wants. Earning money and missing out on God's work is like a curse and for whom? If you wear golden suits, eat silver apples, oranges, you will get the same thing. So God is giving you as much as you need. When you move away from these destructions and focus on God, you will improve and be blessed because what does a poor person think of a rich person when he sees that chicken and mutton are served every day and even in the house of the rich there is food once a week because there is a lot of money but take care of your health, even in the house of the poor there is food once a week. He is hungry, wants to eat everyday but doesn't have money, but he is eating both times a day, but the poor man keeps on cooking, the poor man, that is why God said that the poor should not be sad, those who cry should be such that they don't cry, those who rejoice should be such that they don't rejoice because where should we focus, towards God, if it is not here today, it will come tomorrow, don't worry, take care of God, God takes care of everything, it doesn't mean that someone is rich, he can be eating meat, fish, mutton and paneer 24 hours a day, keep in mind that God has assigned you a task, stay in purity, hold on to that task,

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